For to be to make you smarter. For to be to get you dead.

blosxom and git 2012-06-04

When I moved all of my servers away from apache2, I started using blosxom in static mode. There's no dynamic content on this blog anyway, so there wasn't much sense in trying to get the CGI to cooperate with nginx. As such, I made a Makefile to build and deploy the site for me, which was pretty rad.

The site is also maintained in a git repository, though, and so I had the idea that pushing to the git repo should just automatically update the website. Here, I will share how I achieved this awesome magic.

First of all, I had to make a few changes to blosxom to get it to play nice with a git repository.

Here is my modified blosxom (based on 2.0):


# Blosxom
# Author: Rael Dornfest <>
# Version: 2.0
# Home/Docs/Licensing:

package blosxom;

# --- Configurable variables -----

# What's this blog's title?
$blog_title = "";

# What's this blog's description (for outgoing RSS feed)?
$blog_description = "For to be to make you smarter.  For to be to get you dead.";

# What's this blog's primary language (for outgoing RSS feed)?
$blog_language = "en";

# Where are this blog's entries kept?
$datadir = "data";

# What's my preferred base URL for this blog (leave blank for automatic)?
$url = "";

# Should I stick only to the datadir for items or travel down the
# directory hierarchy looking for items?  If so, to what depth?
# 0 = infinite depth (aka grab everything), 1 = datadir only, n = n levels down
$depth = 0;

# How many entries should I show on the home page?
$num_entries = 5;

# What file extension signifies a blosxom entry?
$file_extension = "txt";

# What is the default flavour?
$default_flavour = "html";

# Should I show entries from the future (i.e. dated after now)?
$show_future_entries = 0;

# --- Plugins (Optional) -----

# Where are my plugins kept?
$plugin_dir = "plugins";

# Where should my modules keep their state information?
$plugin_state_dir = "$plugin_dir/state";

# --- Static Rendering -----

# Where are this blog's static files to be created?
$static_dir = "htdocs";

# What's my administrative password (you must set this for static rendering)?
$static_password = "awesome";

# What flavours should I generate statically?
@static_flavours = qw/html rss/;

# Should I statically generate individual entries?
# 0 = no, 1 = yes
$static_entries = 1;

# --------------------------------

use vars qw! $version $blog_title $blog_description $blog_language $datadir $url %template $template $depth $num_entries $file_extension $default_flavour $static_or_dynamic $plugin_dir $plugin_state_dir @plugins %plugins $static_dir $static_password @static_flavours $static_entries $path_info $path_info_yr $path_info_mo $path_info_da $path_info_mo_num $flavour $static_or_dynamic %month2num @num2month $interpolate $entries $output $header $show_future_entries %files %indexes %others !;

use strict;
use DateTime;
use FileHandle;
use File::Find;
use File::stat;
use List::Util 'max';
use Time::localtime;
use CGI qw/:standard :netscape/;

$version = "2.0";

my $fh = new FileHandle;

%month2num = (nil=>'00', Jan=>'01', Feb=>'02', Mar=>'03', Apr=>'04', May=>'05', Jun=>'06', Jul=>'07', Aug=>'08', Sep=>'09', Oct=>'10', Nov=>'11', Dec=>'12');
@num2month = sort { $month2num{$a} <=> $month2num{$b} } keys %month2num;

# Use the stated preferred URL or figure it out automatically
$url ||= url();
$url =~ s/^included:/http:/; # Fix for Server Side Includes (SSI)
$url =~ s!/$!!;

# Drop ending any / from dir settings
$datadir =~ s!/$!!; $plugin_dir =~ s!/$!!; $static_dir =~ s!/$!!;

# Fix depth to take into account datadir's path
$depth and $depth += ($datadir =~ tr[/][]) - 1;

# Global variable to be used in head/foot.{flavour} templates
$path_info = '';

$static_or_dynamic = (!$ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} and param('-password') and $static_password and param('-password') eq $static_password) ? 'static' : 'dynamic';
$static_or_dynamic eq 'dynamic' and param(-name=>'-quiet', -value=>1);

# Path Info Magic
# Take a gander at HTTP's PATH_INFO for optional blog name, archive yr/mo/day
my @path_info = split m{/}, path_info() || param('path');
shift @path_info;

while ($path_info[0] and $path_info[0] =~ /^[a-zA-Z].*$/ and $path_info[0] !~ /(.*)\.(.*)/) { $path_info .= '/' . shift @path_info; }

# Flavour specified by ?flav={flav} or index.{flav}
$flavour = '';

if ( $path_info[$#path_info] =~ /(.+)\.(.+)$/ ) {
  $flavour = $2;
  $1 ne 'index' and $path_info .= "/$1.$2";
  pop @path_info;
} else {
  $flavour = param('flav') || $default_flavour;

# Strip spurious slashes
$path_info =~ s!(^/*)|(/*$)!!g;

# Date fiddling
($path_info_yr,$path_info_mo,$path_info_da) = @path_info;
$path_info_mo_num = $path_info_mo ? ( $path_info_mo =~ /\d{2}/ ? $path_info_mo : ($month2num{ucfirst(lc $path_info_mo)} || undef) ) : undef;

# Define standard template subroutine, plugin-overridable at Plugins: Template
$template =
  sub {
    my ($path, $chunk, $flavour) = @_;

    do {
      return join '', <$fh> if $fh->open("< $datadir/$path/$chunk.$flavour");
    } while ($path =~ s/(\/*[^\/]*)$// and $1);

    return join '', ($template{$flavour}{$chunk} || $template{error}{$chunk} || '');
# Bring in the templates
%template = ();
while (<DATA>) {
  last if /^(__END__)?$/;
  my($ct, $comp, $txt) = /^(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(.*)$/;
  $txt =~ s/\\n/\n/mg;
  $template{$ct}{$comp} = $txt;

# Plugins: Start
if ( $plugin_dir and opendir PLUGINS, $plugin_dir ) {
  foreach my $plugin ( grep { /^\w+$/ && -f "$plugin_dir/$_"  } sort readdir(PLUGINS) ) {
    my($plugin_name, $off) = $plugin =~ /^\d*(\w+?)(_?)$/;
    my $on_off = $off eq '_' ? -1 : 1;
    require "$plugin_dir/$plugin";
    $plugin_name->start() and ( $plugins{$plugin_name} = $on_off ) and push @plugins, $plugin_name;
  closedir PLUGINS;

# Plugins: Template
# Allow for the first encountered plugin::template subroutine to override the
# default built-in template subroutine
my $tmp; foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('template') and defined($tmp = $plugin->template()) and $template = $tmp and last; }

# Provide backward compatibility for Blosxom < 2.0rc1 plug-ins
sub load_template {
  return &$template(@_);

# Hack to use first 8 digits of filename for mtime
sub ptime {
  my ($file) = shift;

  if ($file =~ /\/(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)_/) {
    return DateTime->new(year => $1, month => $2, day => $3, hour => 12)->epoch


sub mtime { stat(shift)->mtime }

# Define default find subroutine
$entries =
  sub {
    my(%files, %indexes, %others, $tmtime);
    $tmtime = max(map mtime("$datadir/$_.$static_flavours[0]"), qw'head foot story');
    find( {
      wanted => sub {
        my $d;
        my $curr_depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[/][];
        return if $depth and $curr_depth > $depth;

        my $mtime = max(mtime($File::Find::name), $tmtime);

        if (
          # a match
          $File::Find::name =~ m!^$datadir/(?:(.*)/)?(.+)\.$file_extension$!
          # not an index, .file, and is readable
          and $2 ne 'index' and $2 !~ /^\./ and (-r $File::Find::name)
        ) {
            # to show or not to show future entries
              or ptime($File::Find::name) < time

              # add the file and its associated mtime to the list of files
              and $files{$File::Find::name} = ptime($File::Find::name)

                # static rendering bits
                and (
                  or !-f "$static_dir/$1/index." . $static_flavours[0]
                  or mtime("$static_dir/$1/index." . $static_flavours[0]) < $mtime
                  and $indexes{$1} = 1
                    and $d = join('/', (nice_date($files{$File::Find::name}))[5,2,3])

                      and $indexes{$d} = $d
                        and $static_entries and $indexes{ ($1 ? "$1/" : '') . "$2.$file_extension" } = 1

            else {
              !-d $File::Find::name and -r $File::Find::name and $others{$File::Find::name} = ptime($File::Find::name)
      no_chdir => 1,
    }, $datadir );

    return (\%files, \%indexes, \%others);

# Plugins: Entries
# Allow for the first encountered plugin::entries subroutine to override the
# default built-in entries subroutine
my $tmp; foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('entries') and defined($tmp = $plugin->entries()) and $entries = $tmp and last; }

my ($files, $indexes, $others) = &$entries();
%files = %$files; %indexes = %$indexes; %others = ref $others ? %$others : ();

# Plugins: Filter
foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('filter') and $entries = $plugin->filter(\%files, \%others) }

# Static
if (!$ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} and param('-password') and $static_password and param('-password') eq $static_password) {

  param('-quiet') or print "Blosxom is generating static index pages...\n";

  # Home Page and Directory Indexes
  my %done;
  foreach my $path ( sort keys %indexes) {
    my $p = '';
    foreach ( ('', split /\//, $path) ) {
      $p .= "/$_";
      $p =~ s!^/!!;
      $path_info = $p;
      $done{$p}++ and next;
      (-d "$static_dir/$p" or $p =~ /\.$file_extension$/) or mkdir "$static_dir/$p", 0755;
      foreach $flavour ( @static_flavours ) {
        my $content_type = (&$template($p,'content_type',$flavour));
        $content_type =~ s!\n.*!!s;
        my $fn = $p =~ m!^(.+)\.$file_extension$! ? $1 : "$p/index";
        param('-quiet') or print "$fn.$flavour\n";
        my $fh_w = new FileHandle "> $static_dir/$fn.$flavour" or die "Couldn't open $static_dir/$p for writing: $!";
        $output = '';
        print $fh_w
          $indexes{$path} == 1
            ? &generate('static', $p, '', $flavour, $content_type)
            : &generate('static', '', $p, $flavour, $content_type);

# Dynamic
else {
  my $content_type = (&$template($path_info,'content_type',$flavour));
  $content_type =~ s!\n.*!!s;

  $header = {-type=>$content_type};

  print generate('dynamic', $path_info, "$path_info_yr/$path_info_mo_num/$path_info_da", $flavour, $content_type);

# Plugins: End
foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('end') and $entries = $plugin->end() }

# Generate
sub generate {
  my($static_or_dynamic, $currentdir, $date, $flavour, $content_type) = @_;

  my %f = %files;

  # Plugins: Skip
  # Allow plugins to decide if we can cut short story generation
  my $skip; foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('skip') and defined($tmp = $plugin->skip()) and $skip = $tmp and last; }

  # Define default interpolation subroutine
  $interpolate =
    sub {
      package blosxom;
      my $template = shift;
      $template =~
        s/(\$\w+(?:::)?\w*)/"defined $1 ? $1 : ''"/gee;
      return $template;

  unless (defined($skip) and $skip) {

    # Plugins: Interpolate
    # Allow for the first encountered plugin::interpolate subroutine to
    # override the default built-in interpolate subroutine
    my $tmp; foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('interpolate') and defined($tmp = $plugin->interpolate()) and $interpolate = $tmp and last; }

    # Head
    my $head = (&$template($currentdir,'head',$flavour));

    # Plugins: Head
    foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('head') and $entries = $plugin->head($currentdir, \$head) }

    $head = &$interpolate($head);

    $output .= $head;

    # Stories
    my $curdate = '';
    my $ne = $num_entries;

    if ( $currentdir =~ /(.*?)([^\/]+)\.(.+)$/ and $2 ne 'index' ) {
      $currentdir = "$1$2.$file_extension";
      $files{"$datadir/$1$2.$file_extension"} and %f = ( "$datadir/$1$2.$file_extension" => $files{"$datadir/$1$2.$file_extension"} );
    else {
      $currentdir =~ s!/index\..+$!!;

    # Define a default sort subroutine
    my $sort = sub {
      my($files_ref) = @_;
      return sort { $files_ref->{$b} <=> $files_ref->{$a} } keys %$files_ref;

    # Plugins: Sort
    # Allow for the first encountered plugin::sort subroutine to override the
    # default built-in sort subroutine
    my $tmp; foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('sort') and defined($tmp = $plugin->sort()) and $sort = $tmp and last; }

    foreach my $path_file ( &$sort(\%f, \%others) ) {
      last if $ne <= 0 && $date !~ /\d/;
      use vars qw/ $path $fn /;
      ($path,$fn) = $path_file =~ m!^$datadir/(?:(.*)/)?(.*)\.$file_extension!;

      # Only stories in the right hierarchy
      $path =~ /^$currentdir/ or $path_file eq "$datadir/$currentdir" or next;

      # Prepend a slash for use in templates only if a path exists
      $path &&= "/$path";

      # Date fiddling for by-{year,month,day} archive views
      use vars qw/ $dw $mo $mo_num $da $ti $yr $hr $min $hr12 $ampm /;
      ($dw,$mo,$mo_num,$da,$ti,$yr) = nice_date($files{"$path_file"});
      ($hr,$min) = split /:/, $ti;
      ($hr12, $ampm) = $hr >= 12 ? ($hr - 12,'pm') : ($hr, 'am');
      $hr12 =~ s/^0//; $hr12 == 0 and $hr12 = 12;

      # Only stories from the right date
      my($path_info_yr,$path_info_mo_num, $path_info_da) = split /\//, $date;
      next if $path_info_yr && $yr != $path_info_yr; last if $path_info_yr && $yr < $path_info_yr;
      next if $path_info_mo_num && $mo ne $num2month[$path_info_mo_num];
      next if $path_info_da && $da != $path_info_da; last if $path_info_da && $da < $path_info_da;

      # Date
      my $date = (&$template($path,'date',$flavour));

      # Plugins: Date
      foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('date') and $entries = $plugin->date($currentdir, \$date, $files{$path_file}, $dw,$mo,$mo_num,$da,$ti,$yr) }

      $date = &$interpolate($date);

      $curdate ne $date and $curdate = $date and $output .= $date;

      use vars qw/ $title $body $raw /;
      if (-f "$path_file" && $fh->open("< $path_file")) {
        chomp($title = <$fh>);
        chomp($body = join '', <$fh>);
        $raw = "$title\n$body";
      my $story = (&$template($path,'story',$flavour));

      # Plugins: Story
      foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('story') and $entries = $plugin->story($path, $fn, \$story, \$title, \$body) }

      if ($content_type =~ m{\Wxml$}) {
        # Escape <, >, and &, and to produce valid RSS
        my %escape = ('<'=>'&lt;', '>'=>'&gt;', '&'=>'&amp;', '"'=>'&quot;');
        my $escape_re  = join '|' => keys %escape;
        $title =~ s/($escape_re)/$escape{$1}/g;
        $body =~ s/($escape_re)/$escape{$1}/g;

      $story = &$interpolate($story);

      $output .= $story;


    # Foot
    my $foot = (&$template($currentdir,'foot',$flavour));

    # Plugins: Foot
    foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('foot') and $entries = $plugin->foot($currentdir, \$foot) }

    $foot = &$interpolate($foot);
    $output .= $foot;

    # Plugins: Last
    foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('last') and $entries = $plugin->last() }

  } # End skip

  # Finally, add the header, if any and running dynamically
  $static_or_dynamic eq 'dynamic' and $header and $output = header($header) . $output;


sub nice_date {
  my($unixtime) = @_;

  my $c_time = ctime($unixtime);
  my($dw,$mo,$da,$ti,$yr) = ( $c_time =~ /(\w{3}) +(\w{3}) +(\d{1,2}) +(\d{2}:\d{2}):\d{2} +(\d{4})$/ );
  $da = sprintf("%02d", $da);
  my $mo_num = $month2num{$mo};

  return ($dw,$mo,$mo_num,$da,$ti,$yr);

# Default HTML and RSS template bits
html content_type text/html
html head <html><head><link rel="alternate" type="type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="$url/index.rss" /><title>$blog_title $path_info_da $path_info_mo $path_info_yr</title></head><body><center><font size="+3">$blog_title</font><br />$path_info_da $path_info_mo $path_info_yr</center><p />
html story <p><a name="$fn"><b>$title</b></a><br />$body<br /><br />posted at: $ti | path: <a href="$url$path">$path</a> | <a href="$url/$yr/$mo_num/$da#$fn">permanent link to this entry</a></p>\n
html date <h3>$dw, $da $mo $yr</h3>\n
html foot <p /><center><a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a></body></html>
rss content_type text/xml
rss head <?xml version="1.0"?>\n<!-- name="generator" content="blosxom/$version" -->\n<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN" "">\n\n<rss version="0.91">\n  <channel>\n    <title>$blog_title $path_info_da $path_info_mo $path_info_yr</title>\n    <link>$url</link>\n    <description>$blog_description</description>\n    <language>$blog_language</language>\n
rss story   <item>\n    <title>$title</title>\n    <link>$url/$yr/$mo_num/$da#$fn</link>\n    <description>$body</description>\n  </item>\n
rss date \n
rss foot   </channel>\n</rss>
error content_type text/html
error head <html><body><p><font color="red">Error: I'm afraid this is the first I've heard of a "$flavour" flavoured Blosxom.  Try dropping the "/+$flavour" bit from the end of the URL.</font>\n\n
error story <p><b>$title</b><br />$body <a href="$url/$yr/$mo_num/$da#fn.$default_flavour">#</a></p>\n
error date <h3>$dw, $da $mo $yr</h3>\n
error foot </body></html>

Next is the Makefile I use to generate the static pages for blosxom. It also renders a minified stylesheet from my lesscss source file.

.PHONY: all clean server

all: htdocs/index.html htdocs/style.min.css

htdocs/index.html: data/*
  perl blosxom.cgi -password=awesome
  find htdocs -mindepth 2 -name 'index.rss' -delete

htdocs/style.min.css: style.less
  lessc -x style.less > htdocs/style.min.css

  rm -rf htdocs/20* htdocs/index.* htdocs/style.min.css

  cd htdocs && python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer

Now with these in hand, I am set up with my original plan. After writing my posts I could deploy as such

$ make
$ rsync -avz --delete  htdocs

But since I would need to push the changes back to git anyway, there's no reason to take that step. In order to do this, there are only a few easy steps. First, create a bare repo on the machine that hosts your blog and add a post-receive hook to it:

$ mkdir
$ cd
$ git init --bare
$ touch hooks/post-receive
$ chmod +x hooks/post-receive

The post receive hook I use is extraordinarily simple, since I already had the Makefile to do most of the work:


GIT_WORK_TREE=$DEPLOY_PATH git checkout -f

Now, back on your local machine, just add this new repo as a remote and you will be able to push to it to update your blog:

$ git remote add deploy
$ git push deploy master

Happy blogging.